Machu Pichuu

Machu Pichuu

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Over the past month and a half I have been trying to understand these strange things called "the norms."

By definition, a "norm" is a pattern of behavior expected within a particular society in a given situation. (The shared belief of what is normal and acceptable shapes and enforces the actions of people in a society.)

A society is defined as a group of interacting and culturally sharing individuals.

(I found this definition on

For example,
it is a norm for our society to write from the left side of a paper,
and to not make a space
after every break in a sentence.

In Argentina
it is a norm to eat dinner between 8 and 11pm.
In Argentina
eggs for dinner is a norm.
Eggs for breakfast is bizarre!

When you meet-up with friends or someone you care about
you greet them with a kiss on the cheek.

Doing anything other then what is considered standard,
or accepted
even if it is better for us,
is breaking a norm


Another food example,
I made pizza a few days ago using hamburger.
Argentina is VERY famous for its delicious hamburger,
world famous.
My sister thought the idea of meat on a pizza was wierd,
and she wiped most of it off...

In many schools from our society it is a norm to raise your hand and to wait to be called on before speaking.

But in many other parts of the world you might find that the norm in school is to speak freely and openly in a continual conversation, or to not speak at all as the one teaching teaches.

For different genders what do you think are the norms?
How are girls supposed to act?
How are boys supposed to act?

My friends, Argentina is a completely different ballgame then Portland.
For Monday, I want to have a general idea of what the heck is going on here, and I want to know why. It should be interesting, I mean in the first place, The President of Argentina is MS. Cristiana Fernandez.
How do you think having a women President has changed what are considered norms for women in this society?

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